I'm Lucy, a mum, a wife, a food blogger and a lover of all things food!

Back in 2013, I started this blog as a little corner of the internet to share my cooking adventures. At the time, I was navigating endless rounds of IVF while working full-time as a primary school teacher. It was a challenging time—both mentally and physically—but in 2014, I took a leap of faith, stepped away from teaching, and embraced my inner foodie.
I poured my heart into creating recipes that anyone could make, whether with or without my beloved Thermomix. It wasn’t always easy (I’m a self-confessed neat freak and total stress-head!), but every time someone told me they had made one of my recipes for their family, it reminded me why I started. That—and the copious amounts of chocolate I consumed along the way!
Then, something truly incredible happened. My husband and I became parents to our beautiful son, Will—the little taste-tester we had longed for. Now, at 9 years old, he’s still my best kitchen helper (especially when there’s chocolate involved!). And life has become even sweeter with the arrival of our baby girl, Lola, who has completed our family in the most perfect way.
Of course, it’s not all rainbow sprinkles, salted caramel sauce, and chocolate cake. There are school runs, baby giggles (and cries!), mountains of dishes, and endless photo editing. But I feel so lucky to do what I love—creating recipes for you and your family to enjoy.
When I’m not baking, you’ll find me hanging out at the beach near our home in Victoria, indulging in ALL the ice cream, and balancing my sweet tooth with a bit of Pilates (because it’s all about balance, right?).
So, welcome! Make yourself at home, and let’s get cooking.
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Why Bake Play Smile?
I was sipping cocktails with my husband on holiday in Queensland when the idea to start a blog popped into my head, and I chose Bake Play Smile because it represents three of my favourite things.
Bake, because it’s what I love to do.
Play, because as a teacher I believe it’s the best way for kids to learn.
And Smile, because I truly believe in the power of positive thinking.
Thank you for visiting my little blog - I hope my recipes become favourites in your home too.